Tarpaulin blue Kathmandu

Wandering, connecting with the people and the city, in the weeks before the upcoming [Kathmandu Triennale 2017]( bollansee/), these 2 videoperformances occured.

mud performance on March, 2 2017
Kathmandu, Nexus Culture Nepal
Marie Julia Bollansee (C) 2017
Ashmina Ranjit, Lasanaa: organising the performance workshop /collaborating artist
Ryan Ellisabeth Reid: collaborating artist in the workshop
Anju, Sharmila, Sabin, Anaj, Samar, Renu, Nisha, Anita, Sarasuooti, Sujhana, Arju, Sorgam, Manika, Sandhya, Pomu, Nirjala, Sjrijana:
modelling a ball in mud
The performance is connecting children in Hiberniaschool Antwerp, Belgium and in NexUs Culture, Kathmandu, Nepal. They both do the same primar exercise,
at both sides of the world: modelling a ball in clay.

roadperformance on March, 14 2017
in Nepal, driving from Syapru Besi to Kathmandu through the Valley of Four Passes*
thanks to Hedwig en Pertti
artist in residence in Lasanaa/ NexUs Culture Nepal
Marie Julia Bollansee (C) 2017

Nepali poet: Bhùpi Sherchan
Cold Ashtray, on p 131 of ‘Himalayan Voices, an introduction to modern Nepali literature, translated and edited by Michael James Hutt’

Wanderend, contact zoekend met de mensen en de stad, in de weken voor de [Kathmandu Triennale 2017]( bollansee/), ontstonden deze videoperformances:

klei performance op 2maart 2017
Kathmandu, Nexus Culture Nepal
Marie Julia Bollansee (C) 2017
Ashmina Ranjit, Lasanaa: organisatie / samenwerking performance workshop
Ryan Ellisabeth Reid: samenwerkende kunstenaar in de workshop
Anju, Sharmila, Sabin, Anaj, Samar, Renu, Nisha, Anita, Sarasuooti, Sujhana, Arju, Sorgam, Manika, Sandhya, Pomu, Nirjala, Sjrijana: boetseren een bol in klei
De performance verbindt kinderen in de Hiberniaschool in Antwerpen, België en in NexUs Culture, Kathmandu, Nepal. Ze maken dezelfde eenvoudige oefening, aan beide zijden van de wereld: een bol boetseren in klei.

roadperformance, 14 maart 2017
in Nepal, rijdend van Syapru Besi naar Kathmandu door de Valley of Four Passes*
dank aan Hedwig en Pertti
artist in residence in Lasanaa/ NexUs Culture Nepal
Marie Julia Bollansee (C) 2017

Nepalees dichter: Bhùpi Sherchan,
Cold Ashtray, on p 131 of ‘Himalayan Voices, an introduction to modern Nepali literature, translated and edited by Michael James Hutt’
